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We treat e-safety with the importance it deserves in the 21st century.  At Wells we believe that giving our pupils the skills and information they need to keep themselves safe online is as important as teaching them about being safe in the 'real' world.  Our computing teacher ensures that the children are kept up-to-date with the latest skills and rules required to stay safe online.  

We are also very aware that parents can find it a challenge keeping up with what their children are doing online. We regularly send out magazines with a wealth of information about most forms of social media and other online apps and communities.  The NSPCC's latest initiative is Net Aware.  The website has information specifically for parents about the social media sites young people are currently using.  There is also the ability to sign up to their newsletter which will ensure you are up-to-date with the latest happenings online.  For further information please click here.  

We take the children's safety online very seriously and are constantly reviewing and updating you with the latest advice to protect them online.  The app BBC ownit, that you are able to download, uses artificial intelligence to scan messages sent and received from devices.  Some may find this intrusive of privacy but the apps do not 'listen in' to conversations but rather detect certain language and behaviours and if spotted give advice to the child and notify the parent.  

Details of the BBC OwnIt app can be found here.   


Below you will find a range of media literacy resources from Parent Zone – including articles and video.